Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lego Table

Neal and Stacy gave us this lego table which we LOVE. It has a lid so when Wes is done playing we can put it away and it looks nice. Wes likes to play with the legos but has also discovered another fun way to use the table. First, its fun to climb on.
Second, it is a lot of fun to slide the legos one by one into a big pile on the floor.
Finally, when all the legos are gone he slides down himself. He usually repeats the sliding down himself several times until he decides he is done and leaves all the legos on the floor and moves on to another mess :)


Sarah said...

that it so cute. I love the table, that is awesome

Unknown said...

I think I want a lego table. Wes has the right idea, that looks like fun.