Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Campout

We had such a blast this year at the Wilkins Family Easter Campout. It was too cold to actually camp but we still had fun Friday night and Saturday. On Saturday there was an egg hunt for the little kids, teenagers, and even the adults. Wes had fun during his hunt and was finally getting the hang of it by the end. In the adult hunt Todd was one of the lucky few that found an egg and we were able to bring home an antique embroidery that my great grandma had made during the 1940s! There was also an egg toss for all of the couples and somehow Todd and I Won! I actually dropped the egg several times but it never broke until the very end (on Todd's side :)

Wes riding the tractor

Grandma Wilkins and I
Todd and I after the adult egg hunt.

Rachelle, Shanell, and me

1 comment:

Caroll said...

It was a fun weekend. I'm glad we went ahead and had it before Shanell left, even though we couldn't actually camp out. :) Family is awesome!