Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Day

Wes' Easter Tin that Grandma Wilkins made him.

Easter Egg Hunt at Grandma Hart's. Since Wes had an egg hunt the day before he knew just what to do and it was too cute. He would carry his bucket around and then see and egg and set down his bucket so he could run to get the egg and bring it back.
Ryan enjoying some of his Easter candy from the hunt.

Ryan, Wes, and Grandpa Hart


Debbie said...

It was a great family Easter party. I LOVE our family get togethers and the love we share for one another. It was fun visiting with the BEST Sisters in law ever. We have the best family ever...Love you guys....

Caroll said...

Ha, Ha, I love the one of Ryan with the candy in his mouth! Cute pics.