Thursday, February 18, 2010


I've been in a bit of a blogging slump lately.  
Actually I've just been sort of in a slump. period.
Maybe it is all of this crappy weather we've been having lately.
I miss the SUN.  
Enough with all that depressing stuff, here is an update on what we've been up to the past month or so.
SCHOOL.  Todd decided to go to school this semester!  He is taking 16 credit hours and is almost constantly working on homework or studying.  Having him in school has been an adjustment, that is for sure.  He built himself a desk in our master closet and usually when he gets home from school he'll go in there to study.  If he isn't at school or studying he is down the street working at our neighbors finishing their basement.  It has been such a blessing to be able to have him work so close to home, even if it is just for a few hours a week. 

SEWING.  I think I'm addicted to sewing.  I love it.  I've sold a few of my temple bags which was exciting.  I've also got my substitution certificate so that I can start subbing at the school. I'm not so excited about that.  

Wes has been working on learning all of his letters, shapes, and his counting.  He does really well counting to 29 but has some issues with 13, 14, 15.  He's also been working on memorizing the names of the prophets.  He is doing really well with those too.  Every night before he goes to bed he makes sure we look at the pictures!  It is so cute.  He can also spell his name, but lets be honest, WES isn't that complicated haha.